Results from the 4th September

Hall Trophy

Congratulations to Geoff Tithecott (4&2 winner over Jeff Titman) and Iain Pritchard (3&2 winner over Don Dobbs) and thereby moving into the Semi Finals were Andy Wyatt and Tom Walters are lurking.

Iain doubled up on the day by winning £22 for his 1st place 44pts and chipped in on the 18th just because he could. A 4 shot cut to accompany his win seems like bad timing for the Hall Trophy SF.

Gus had his best round of the year with 42pts alongside the fast improving Dave Clarke - £10 each. Geoff Tithecott picked up £5 for his 4th place 41pts.

The high scores continue to dominate - commiserations to Eugene who scored a 4 over par 76 (40pts) and won nuffin!

Front 9 Peter Miller 24pts and back 9 Alex Hall 22pts (£5 each)

John the Web meister Martin will update the Red / Blue Division tables on his return from hols. It looks like Geoff Tithecott may have ousted Steve Mummery from 3rd place in the Blue Division.