Results from Team Comp 28th August 2024

 Winners: Dave Robson, Andy Wyatt, Jeff Titman, Chris Manners, £9 each

Best Stableford: Paul Mathews, The Boss, John O'Cullen, 39 points, £2 each

Nearest Pin in 2 on 9th, Mark Whittington. £5


Paul Mathews has been steadily climbing the RED Leaderboard and with this round has finally displaced Mark Whittington who had held top spot for nearly the whole year. PBI is lurking in 3rd place ready to pounce.

In BLUE, Stuart Insall continues to chip away at Tom's lead but Tom is maintaining his consistent scores and it is tough going.

Hall Trophy

Two recent results:
Don Dobbs beat Eugene 6 & 5
Andy Wyatt beat PBI  4 & 3

Finally you will have received bunker working party information by e-mail which I have been asked to reproduce here. Contact the club if you wish to take part.
  • Wednesday 4th September
  • Thursday 5th September