Andlaw Trophy 2024 Result

 Thankyou to Captains and organisers John Cullen and Keith Martin who gave us a great day's golf in lovely weather. This year it was a very one sided result with the MODs beating Rockers by 12 1/2 to 6 1/2,   but the important thing is that it was a lot of fun and  the total raised yesterday (with less players than last year) topped out at £277, which surpasses last year’s event with fewer players, a fantastic effort. Money raised will be divided between Prostate and Pancreatic Cancer charities.

Sleeves of balls (2 dozen generously supplied by Kelvin) were given out to MODs  Stuart, Dom and David Reynolds and to Rocker Paul Matthews for their attire.

Although not everyone putted out and counted score Don and Paul M received a sleeve each for 44 points.

Sadly the event was soured somewhat in the evening when scuffles broke out after the Rockers' Captain  claimed the result had been 'stolen'. Brian attempted to intervene but much of the patio furniture got ruined.