Results from 11th September

Firstly congratulations to Kim who made a hole in one on the 17th. He is the seventh person to achieve it in the Modern Swindle. This is the Hole in One dance by the way, not to be confused with the birdie dance.


Winner: Don Dobbs, 45 points, £22 and into the Hall of Fame in a buggy.

Second: David Sommelier Reynolds, 41 pints, sorry points, and £14

Third: The Brynmeister, 40 points, £7

Joint 4th: Stuart Insall, Kelvin Smith, 39 points, £2.50 each. Well done Kelvin, first Swindle round after 3 months off post op.

Front 9: Dave Clarke, 21 points, £5. bet he's feeling Glad All Over. (groan)

Back 9: Jeff Titman, 20 points, £5


Some minor changes this week in RED and BLUE . After so many rounds played it is getting more difficult to impact significantly the  average Stableford scores. 

Finally, John Cullen has received an appreciative note from BGL senior management thanking the Swindle for the money raised at the Andlaw Trophy day this year.