Handicap Adjustments 2023

 The Boss has declared following handicap adjustments will apply from January 1st 2023 from the start point of player’s yellow tee handicaps:


-2 : Geoff Tithecott, Tony Hughes, Tom Walters, Jeff Titman.


-1 : Steve Mummery, Pat Oakes, David Reynolds, Eugene Hickey, Keith Martin, Mike Crofts, Kim Nguyen, Dom Johnson, Ian Thonger, Andy Wyatt, Alex Hall, Bryn Jones , Chris Manners.


0 : Paul Berendt, Andy Wray, John Martin, John Harris, Malcolm Proudley, Tony Coomber, Trevor Pyne, Trevor Hones, John Cullen, Peter Miller, Alan Hall.


+1 : Gus Merelie, Rory Scales, Alan Wright, Colin Stickland, Kelvin Smith, Pete Ibbetson, Robin Bull, Jim Morrison, David Smith, Tony Hurst, Chris Butler, Don Dobbs, Stuart Insall, Sameer Chelache.


+2 : Nobody.


+4 : Andrew Loizides, Glen Rootman, Paul Matthews, Phil Benson, Martin Wood.