Results from 4th January

 Happy New Year Everyone !

Winner: Maiden individual win for Paul Mathews, 41 points, £22
Second: Tony Coomber, 39 points, £11
Third: Paul Berendt, 38 points, £6

Front 9: Geoff Tithecott, 21 points, £5
Back 9: Chris Butler, 18 points, £5

Round times worked out at around 4hrs 15 minutes. Not too bad but let's not slip back into old habits. Remember the 3 minute search rule and the new 2 shot penalty capability instead of stroke and distance.

The website has been morphed over to 2023. If you spot any errors please let me know.  There has been some player movement between RED and BLUE Divisions. The split point is around a Swindle playing handicap of 22. Please note that the LEADERBOARDS will not be populated until several more rounds have been played as they are so volatile at the start of the year. However, individual averages are available from the outset on the 'Yours and  Everyone's'  link just beneath the Leaderboards.

Finally, when filling in the Player Entry Form please use the same format for your name every time eg if you have used Philip then continue with Philip, don't use Phil. Otherwise the averages have to be manually corrected.