Results from 21st December

 Firstly, congratulations to everyone in getting round in 4 hours or just under. A great precedent to set for 2023. Secondly,  I have fixed the '2022 By Date' tab on the main spreadsheet. I hadn't realised it had stopped working until a few of you pointed it out today. The problem was that it was not big enough to hold the 1,500 rounds that have been played this year in the Swindle !!

Winner: Mr Eugene Hickey esquire. Congratulations on playing the second best ever round in the Swindle. A gross 3 over par, so close to Corin Superfine's 2 under in 2018.  41 points, £22. Yer man is on fire !

Joint Second: PBI and Kelvin, 38 points and £10 each.

Front 9: Jim Morrison, 20 points,, £5
Back 9: They could not be separated on countback, John Harris and Tom Walters, 19 points and £2.50 each.

Happy Christmas to everyone !