Results from 25th January

 It seems the icy conditions really suit a number of players as some great scores were returned.

 Congrats to Glen Rootman, Bob Bright, and Phil Benson whose scores qualify them for the Hall of Fame (43 points and above). I am considering looking for bigger premises as the hall is getting rather packed !

Best Stableford: Stuart Insall, 40 points, £5

Amazingly, in the Team event, four teams tied on a very impressive 104 points, probably a feature of the format which obviously had a levelling-up effect. Instead of listing all 16 names I invite you to look on the main spreadsheet. £3 per player.

Nearest Pin in 2 on the 9th: Alan Wright, £5

Note that next week's blog will be slightly delayed as the Webmeister has a week away.