Results from 18th January

 Winner: Another bad round from Al Wright, 42 points, £21 !

Joint second: Jeff Titman, Colin Stickland, Tom Walters, 37 points, £9 each

Front 9: Chris Butler, 22 points, £5

Back 9: Kelvin Smith, 20 points, £5

Club Handicaps

Some of you will be aware that the Handicap Secretary has adjusted some Club handicaps recently. Swindle scores in 2022 as provided by Keith continue to play a part in those decisions. Axel Flaig reminds us that:

'The Handicap system is to bring Equity, Fairness and Enjoyment to all the players.

Every player is expected to act with integrity and make the best possible score at each hole.

Continue to play as many Qualifiers as possible which in turn will provide the best measure of a player's ability.'