Results from 23 November 2022

 Joint Winners: The Boss and Trevor Hones, 38 points and £18 each. That is an admirable  gross 7 over for Keith in those conditions ! 

Third: Geoff Tithecott, 37 points, £8. Remarkable consistency lately.
Joint Fourth: Tony Hurst, Tom Walters, 35 points and £3 each.

Front 9: Kim Nguyen, 20 points, £5
Back 9: Mike Crofts on countback, 16 points, £5


With one week to go third position in RED is still being closely fought.  In BLUE the leading positions look settled unless disaster strikes somebody in the final round.

Finally, in other news, it transpires that John McCullen is secretly heir to a soup empire and has donated  one whole can (unopened) to PBI for the Arsenal charity raffle.  If you ever hear him say "Waiter, there is a hair in my soup" he is talking about himself. Face pixelated by soup for security reasons.