Results from 16th November 2022

Winner: The Boss, 36 points and £21.  A great round on a day when many struggled with the conditions; especially if you strayed from the fairway into the elephant grass.  Some areas of rough are becoming candidates for the Re-wilding Britain Strategy. 

Second: Trevor Hones, 34 points, £12
Joint 3rd: Steve Mummery and Andy Wyatt, 33 points and £3 each.

Front 9: Stuart Insall 19 points, £5
Back 9: Gus Merelie  19points, £5


The top 3 in BLUE Division  seem secure now. In RED Division  the third spot is still very much up for grabs. I have had to cull from the Leaderboards any player with less than 16 rounds played in the year before the Awards Night Dinner. 

Finally a note from the Seniors Captain  David Phillips which he has asked to be flagged up to the Wednesday Swindlers:

' I have been made aware that  Robert Andlaw's widow, Ros, is undertaking some walks in November to raise some funds through 'Just Giving' for the Pancreatic Cancer Charity. I fully appreciate that you have already been very supportive of our Club's Parkinson's UK Charity this year and I only send out this email in my own personal capacity just in case any of you felt that you would like to support Ros by making a donation. Her 'Just Giving' page can be accessed at: