Results from 28th September Team Comp. and Parish Notices

Thanks to Alex for the format; he must have borrowed The Boss's book of Byzantine Golf Formats and turned straight to the last page (advanced users). It may have cost a little time on the round though. Note I have not entered full team scores and birdies on the spreadsheet.

Winners: Eugene, Tom Walters, J McCullen, and Sameer (ghost contributor), £11 each

Best Stableford: Glen Rootman, £5

Nearest Pin in 2 on the 18th: Gus, £5

Singles Knockout

Young Pat beat up Colin (who was feeling under par,  but not in golf terms)  and moves into the semi-final. Those who are still left in are encouraged to play their matches before the mud arrives, first named in draw to offer dates.

Christmas Meal and Prize Giving

I am aware not everyone has received the information by e-mail so I am repeating Sami's message below. Thanks to him for taking the initiative again on this task.

"There were quite a few negative comments about The Harpenden Arms  so I decided to look at alternative venues and am pleased to report that I managed to book Monday 5th December (7pm for 7.30 sitting) at The Engineer on Southdown Road. The venue was suggested to me by Tony Coomber so if it doesn't meet your high expectations then please speak to Tony trusting you won't give him a hard time because 'everyone loves Tony'.
It may not be a central location but on the positive side they have a large conservatory that can accommodate the whole group quite comfortably as well as giving us exclusive use. For those of you who like a bargain, the 2-course option is only £23 compared with £30  (I think) plus 12% service charge at T.H.A. There's also a private car park and apparently, ample street parking in the evening. 
They also have availability for the following Monday (12th December) in case the 5th isn't suitable for the majority.
Please let me know as soon as possible if want to take part as I need to confirm numbers and pay the deposit.
Kindest regards, Sameer "
Please reply to Sami with your comments: