Results from 14th and 21st September

14th Winner: Maiden win for Dave Smith, 40 points, £22

2nd: Alex Hall, 38 points £12
Joint 3rd: Rory Scales, Andy Wyatt, 37 points, £6 each

Front 9: Don Dobbs, 20 points, £5
Back 9: Tony Coomber, 17 points, £5

21st Winner: Kelvin Smith, 44 points, £21, Hall of Infamy  and a 5 point cut !

2nd: Robin Bull, 39 points, £12
Joint 3rd: Trevor Hones, Don Dobbs, Steve Mummery, Tom Walters and John McCullen, Uncle Tom Cobley, 38 points and £3 each

Front 9: The Boss, 22 points, £5
Back 9: Rory Scales, 24 points, £5