Results from 6th July

Closely fought contest at the top this week.
Winner: Trevor Pyne, 42 points, £23
Second: Alan Wright, 41 points, £13
Joint Third: Tony Hughes, Geoff Tithecott, 40 points and £6 each

Front 9: Steve Mummery, 21 points, £5
Back 9: Stuart Insall, 20 points, £5


Mr Harris assumes command of  RED Division with some steady  scoring recently. BLUE Division is  still headed by Steve Mummery with an average of 36.78 points.  He states he will not resign despite most of his cabinet saying his handicap is too high.
The second quarter Leaderboard cull of those not completing 4 rounds  has taken place.


David Reynolds beat past winner Kim Nguyen on the 19th hole after Kim found the water on the 10th, twice. David plays John Harris in the quarter final.