Results from 22nd June

Firstly a big thankyou to everyone who contributed to the collection for the Parkinson's  Charity. We raised a total of £128. Well done to John and Rajesh who were playing speed golf; you will never have such a fast round(s) on a Wednesday again !

Joint Winners: Geoff Tithecott, Paul Wright, Ian Thonger, 42 points and £14 each.
Joint 4th: Kelvin Smith and Mike Crofts, 39 points, £2 each. 

Front 9: Kim Nguyen, 22 points, £5
Back 9: John Martin, 21 points, £5

Is that a Kite above the course ? No, it's an Eagle and it belongs to Ian 'the eagle' Thonger on the 2nd hole. 6 points, well done Ian.
Anyone with a handicap over 30 scoring an Eagle gets an immediate 5 shot cut (that's #Fake News, relax).