Results from 15th June

Winner: Trevor Pyne, 40 points, £22, who pipped
Paul Wright, 39 points,  £12

Front 9: He's back, Jeff Titman, 21 points, £5
Back 9: John Martin, 18 points, £5


Half way through the year and the Leaderboards are settling down  down now that good and  bad scores are having a diminishing effect on averages.  RED leader is Wg Cdr Chris Manners closely pursued by Mr Harris. BLUE leader is Sqn Ldr Steve Mummery with a great average of 36.5 and a healthy lead over Malcolm Proudley.


Andrew Loizides progresses into the quarter final winning a tight  match  with Eugene that went down to the 18th.


Two absentees last week. You can bet if they were not playing golf they were drinking wine in France. If they don't return soon I have sourced two possible substitutes for the Swindle, names of Johnson and Mickelson. Trouble is they expect to win £22 million, not £22.