Another tough day for scoring, with an average of just 28.7 stapleford points which I would guess is the lowest for years. I'm sure playing to strict winter rules must have had an effect, at least to those of us who don't habitually stick the ball on the short stuff!
The winning score was 37 points, posted by both Dom Johnson and Mark Whittington. £16 each and cuts of 3 and 1 respectively. That takes Mark to a swindle handicap (temporarily) of 6. Next target Eugene on 5!
In 3rd place with a very steady 35 points was Ali Roberston for £8. Front and back nines were both won on 19 points by Geoff Tithecot and Kim Nguyen for a fiver each.
We have a new leader on the BLUE leaderboard, with Dom's win propelling him to the top of the standings. There to be shot at now Dom!
Hall Trophy
Just a reminder to enter this competition if you would like to. Just fill out this entry form by the end of March. Some swindlers have had trouble getting their names on the sheet - blame google! It should work if you are logged in to google but if you can't get it to work, just ask Alex or Gus to put your name down for you.