Results from Jan 29th

Conditions were taxing to say the least for our first team outing of the year. No surprise then that scores were quite low, with 36 stapleford points being the highest anyone could muster, and the average being a whisker under 30.

The team competition was originally awarded to Jeff Titman, the Brynmeister, Richard Ballard and David Cheek on 90 points. However once the National Audit Office had scrutinised the official paperwork this score was downgraded to 88 points which meant a tie with the team comprising the Boss, Rory, Gus and Kim. £5.50 to each and every one of them.

Nearest the pin in 3 on the 12th saw a monumental scrap with 4 different leaders. It's the last name that counts though, which was Ali Robertson. And he bagged the birdie to boot. A fiver for his trouble.

Jeff and Bryn both had 36 points which left the prize for highest-stapleford-by-anyone-not-winning-another-prize to Andy Wyatt with 34 points. This is the lowest winning score in recent memory in this category but nevertheless saw Andy walk off with the biggest prize of the day, £6. Spend it wisely!

Parish Notices

So far 13 people have signed up for the AwayDay at Welwyn Garden City on March 20th. If you'd like to play, please get yourselves signed up on the website so that Keith can finalise the numbers with WGC Golf Club.