Results from 10th July 2024

Firstly, big thanks to Alex who stepped in to run the show during a rare holiday of The Boss's. Note that Averages will be updated once I have the full results.

Winner: Alan Wright, 44 points and £23. A week on the canal obviously did him a power of good. Hall of Fame entry.

Second: Jeff Titman, 41 points, £12

Joint Third: Geoff Tithecott, Glen Rootman, 38 points, £3.50 each

Front 9: Andy Wyatt, 22 points, £5
Back 9: Six players scored 19 points, Dave Smith took it on countback, £5


A handicap difference of 21 shots proved too much for Alex Hall, beaten by Rory 6 and 5. Rory will now face Tom in the quarter final.


We have 22 entries so far and only 2 'Rockers', so looking for a few more. Please fill out the form to participate. The form is HERE