An Invite from Paul Berendt

To celebrate English Wine week (15th – 23rd June), we are holding a wine tasting event to showcase English wine on Saturday 22nd June 2024 at Park Hall Harpenden AL5 2LX in aid of the Rennie Grove Hospice.

There will be 7 wines (2 sparkling, 3 white and 2 red) to be paired with the best of English produce.Your host will be  Nigel Strofton who has been in the wine trade for the best part of 60 years.

First corks will be popped at 7.30 pm. Cost £30.00 per person.There will be a raffle £5 per strip – so please bring cash or add £5 (or multiple of) when you make payment. To reserve your tickets please reply by email to saying how many tickets you require (feel free to extend the invite to friends and family) and make a bank transfer to:

Account name:               Christine Berendt.

Sort code:                         090126

Account number:           13451416

Please let us know if you have any dietary requirements. The numbers at Park Hall are limited and places will be allocated on “first come first served” basis so to avoid disappointment please book early. We would also appreciate a reply if you can’t come and if you can’t would you consider donating a raffle prize (eg a bottle of wine).

Look forward to hearing from you. 

Chris and Paul Berendt