Results from 8th February and Diary Date

Joint  Winners on 38 points: Glen Rootman, Kim Nguyen, Trevor Hones, £13.30 each and a fine harvest of 9 shots cut for the Committee.

Fourth: Dom Johnson, 37 points, £4

Front 9: Don Dobbs, 20 points, £5
Back 9: Paul Berendt, 19 points, £5

2023 Andlaw Trophy (aka Alternative Ryder Cup)

John Cullen has asked me to inform you that this event will be held on Wednesday 23rd August this year. For those who have not played it before it is a team event along Ryder Cup lines and is great fun. Proceeds to Charity.  John has sub titled this year's event as The Italian Job as he intends to hold it in Italy and pay for everyone to travel (#fake news).

Talking of The Italian Job some of you may remember this post from 2017.

 'John Cullen has visited the race track on top of the old Fiat building in Turin where the Italian Job mini chase was filmed. After standing there hitching a lift for 3 hours he finally realised he was 50 years too late.'