Results from 30th November Team Comp & Paul 'Wrighty' Wright

 Many of us were subdued on our round yesterday as in the morning came the worst  possible news about Paul Wright. He had been suffering from pancreatitis since the Spring but was playing regular golf until August. Sadly, and apparently rarely, the condition became uncontrollable. 
Paul was a regular in the Swindle since 2013 and also played in smaller groups on Mondays and Fridays. The phrase 'he was a real character'  is often heard and in Paul's case it is absolutely justified in many ways. In particular he enjoyed his self appointed role as a one man handicap committee, the guiding principle being that his was too low and everyone else's too high, all in good natured banter ! A curry aficionado, he was a founder member of our golfers curry society; next time you are in a Indian Restaurant please raise a fork of Madras to him, we certainly will. On a more sombre note he was a devoted husband, father and grandfather and our heartfelt sympathies go out to all his family.
Funeral arrangements will be promulgated once I have them.

I think he would have wished me to end this with a couple of his catchphrases. 'Bloody Marvellous' 'Now get over it' . 

Winners: Colin Stickland, Phil Benson, Tom Walters, Kim Nguyen. Great putting. £13 each.
Best Stableford: Mike Crofts and Steve Mummery, 39 points,  £4 each
Nearest Pin in 2 on 7th: The Boss, £3


RED: Chris Manners, Alan Wright, Tom Walters
BLUE: Steve Mummery, Malcolm Proudley, Geoff Tithecott
Well done to all of them on a great year's golf and bad luck on Eugene who missed out on third spot in RED by 0.01 points off such a low handicap !