Results from 2nd November & Parish Notices

Congratulations to Paul Berendt on  his maiden win, 43 points and £23

Second: Geoff Tythecott, on a good run of form with 38 points, £14
Joint 3rd: John McCullen, Malcolm Proudley and Steve Mummery, 37 points, £4 each.

Front 9: Robin Bull, 18 points, £5
Back 9: Eugene, 18 points, £5

Well done to Andrew Loizides who beat Pat Oakes and will face John Cullen in the grand final.

Alex Hall has asked me to mention that a new set of local rules are available to read on the Rules Noticeboard. They are too long to reproduce here.

It has been drawn to my attention that the current rules state that 16 rounds per year is also sufficient to qualify if 4 rounds per quarter has not been met. Therefore Geoff Tythecott and Alan Wright have been re-instated to the BLUE and RED Leaderboards respectively.

Finally, HEDGEHOG WHEELS are required from next week.
And in other news Ian Thonger has demonstrated that golf can be as easy as falling off a log, twice on the 17th tee. Good news is that he is fit and well and thanks to everyone who helped out in supporting him.