Robert Andlaw Trophy (aka Ryder Cup) 24th August Morning Order of Play

Tee times begin at 11.00 and are contiguous. Scoring is Gruesomes matchplay - 9 holes.  Every player will tee off, the opposing team will then choose which of their opponents’ balls is played for the second shot. The second shot is played by the partner of the player whose tee shot is chosen, and then the pair alternate on each shot. If a player has no playing partner, the solo player will play two tee shots and then all subsequent shots.

It is RED Division v BLUE Division, except that in the morning session Alex Hall, Kim Nguyen, Colin Stickland and Trevor Hones will play for BLUE to even up numbers. 

The matches are played off scratch except the BLUE pairs will receive one shot on holes 1, 5, 6 and 8. It's all been worked out by Statto to be fair, don't worry.

The afternoon pairings will be drawn by the Captains, John McCullen and Gus over lunch, first pair out at 2pm. Singles matchplay off full Swindle Handicaps but going out in 4 balls, 18 holes.

11.00 Glen Rootman

Don Dobbs

Stuart Insall

John Cullen

11.08 Gus Merelie

David Reynolds

Dave Smith

Colin Stickland

11.16 John Martin

Alex Hall

Alan Wright

Kelvin Smith

11.24 Martin Wood

Chris Butler

Chris Manners

Kim Nguyen

11.32 Peter Ibbetson

Geoff Tithecott

John Harris

Trevor Hones

11.40 Paul Matthews

Jim Morrison

Jeff Titman

11.48 Alan Jones

Andy Wyatt

Tony Hughes

Dominic Johnson