Results 27th July and Farewell to Jim Gill

Team Comp Winners: John Martin, Malcolm Proudley, Rory Scales, Jeff Titman, 141 points, £12 each.

Team Eugene Hickey were demoted to second place by just one point when it became clear that the Captain had got his score wrong on the second. He has said that he does not intend to resign but has referred himself for  counselling. The Boss has expressed full confidence in him, so he'll be resigning next week then. One could excuse the mistake given his excitement in a superb gross 75 which won him  Best Stableford,  £7, and moves him onto the RED Leaderboard.

Nearest the Pin in 2 on 18th: The Boss, £6

Finally, we must bid farewell to Swindle stalwart Jim Gill. He has decided to move to Harpenden Common GC where he can play with his Grandsons and does not have to contend with the steep inclines of AWPGC.  It is not that the grass is greener, it is just as brown. It was always a pleasure to play with you Jim, even through your tough times you remained always the perfect gent ( also no mean striker of a golf ball ). Hope to see you at the Club for a drink occasionally.