Results from 11th September

Firstly congratulations to Kim who made a hole in one on the 17th. He is the seventh person to achieve it in the Modern Swindle. This is the Hole in One dance by the way, not to be confused with the birdie dance.


Winner: Don Dobbs, 45 points, £22 and into the Hall of Fame in a buggy.

Second: David Sommelier Reynolds, 41 pints, sorry points, and £14

Third: The Brynmeister, 40 points, £7

Joint 4th: Stuart Insall, Kelvin Smith, 39 points, £2.50 each. Well done Kelvin, first Swindle round after 3 months off post op.

Front 9: Dave Clarke, 21 points, £5. bet he's feeling Glad All Over. (groan)

Back 9: Jeff Titman, 20 points, £5


Some minor changes this week in RED and BLUE . After so many rounds played it is getting more difficult to impact significantly the  average Stableford scores. 

Finally, John Cullen has received an appreciative note from BGL senior management thanking the Swindle for the money raised at the Andlaw Trophy day this year.

Results from the 4th September

Hall Trophy

Congratulations to Geoff Tithecott (4&2 winner over Jeff Titman) and Iain Pritchard (3&2 winner over Don Dobbs) and thereby moving into the Semi Finals were Andy Wyatt and Tom Walters are lurking.

Iain doubled up on the day by winning £22 for his 1st place 44pts and chipped in on the 18th just because he could. A 4 shot cut to accompany his win seems like bad timing for the Hall Trophy SF.

Gus had his best round of the year with 42pts alongside the fast improving Dave Clarke - £10 each. Geoff Tithecott picked up £5 for his 4th place 41pts.

The high scores continue to dominate - commiserations to Eugene who scored a 4 over par 76 (40pts) and won nuffin!

Front 9 Peter Miller 24pts and back 9 Alex Hall 22pts (£5 each)

John the Web meister Martin will update the Red / Blue Division tables on his return from hols. It looks like Geoff Tithecott may have ousted Steve Mummery from 3rd place in the Blue Division. 

Results from Team Comp 28th August 2024

 Winners: Dave Robson, Andy Wyatt, Jeff Titman, Chris Manners, £9 each

Best Stableford: Paul Mathews, The Boss, John O'Cullen, 39 points, £2 each

Nearest Pin in 2 on 9th, Mark Whittington. £5


Paul Mathews has been steadily climbing the RED Leaderboard and with this round has finally displaced Mark Whittington who had held top spot for nearly the whole year. PBI is lurking in 3rd place ready to pounce.

In BLUE, Stuart Insall continues to chip away at Tom's lead but Tom is maintaining his consistent scores and it is tough going.

Hall Trophy

Two recent results:
Don Dobbs beat Eugene 6 & 5
Andy Wyatt beat PBI  4 & 3

Finally you will have received bunker working party information by e-mail which I have been asked to reproduce here. Contact the club if you wish to take part.
  • Wednesday 4th September
  • Thursday 5th September
  • Andlaw Trophy 2024 Result

     Thankyou to Captains and organisers John Cullen and Keith Martin who gave us a great day's golf in lovely weather. This year it was a very one sided result with the MODs beating Rockers by 12 1/2 to 6 1/2,   but the important thing is that it was a lot of fun and  the total raised yesterday (with less players than last year) topped out at £277, which surpasses last year’s event with fewer players, a fantastic effort. Money raised will be divided between Prostate and Pancreatic Cancer charities.

    Sleeves of balls (2 dozen generously supplied by Kelvin) were given out to MODs  Stuart, Dom and David Reynolds and to Rocker Paul Matthews for their attire.

    Although not everyone putted out and counted score Don and Paul M received a sleeve each for 44 points.

    Sadly the event was soured somewhat in the evening when scuffles broke out after the Rockers' Captain  claimed the result had been 'stolen'. Brian attempted to intervene but much of the patio furniture got ruined.

    Draw for Andlaw Trophy

     Courtesy of JC.

    Results from 14th August 2024

    Joint winners: Donald Trump, Kim Yong Un, Brian Rix, 60 points each but no prizes as that is fake news.

    Winner: Steve Mummery, 48 points, £22. Do what ?

    Joint Second: Dave Smith, Dave Clarke, 47 points, £6 each. A wonderful round of gross 3 over by Dave Smith, congratulations to him.

    Joint 4th: Peter B Ibbetson,  Rory B Scales, 45 points and £5 each.

    Front 9: Paul Mathews, 24 points, £5 (44 points overall and shoots up to second place on the RED Leaderboard).
    Back 9: Dave 'Sommelier' Reynolds, 22 points, £5

    The Swindle average of 28 players was 38 points, one up on last week. 25 entries in the Hall of Fame so far this year. 

    Next week is the Andlaw Trophy, Mods v Rockers. Draw to be published shortly. There will be a weapons search at the clubhouse entrance.

    Results from 7th August 2024


    The results from 7th August are provisional whilst the above investigations are ongoing. The SERIOUS CRIMES SQUAD has also been alerted and passports have been seized. This following a Swindle of 33 players averaging a score of 37.24 Stableford points, a performance which is far outwith normal parameters, even during an Olympic Games. 

    Winner: Dave Clarke, 47 points, £23. Hall of Fame. Only the 4th score of 47 points ever recorded in the Modern Swindle.

    Joint Second: The Brynmeister, Dave Robson, Steve Mummery, 44 points and £10 each. I bet they thought they had done enough but didn't guard the inside track. Hall of Fame.

    Front 9: Geoff Tithecott, a mere 24 points, £5. Geoff continues his rise to challenge for honours on the RED Leaderboard and is in Bronze medal position.
    Back 9: Dave Reynolds, 23 points, £5

    Tom beat Rory 7 and 5. Emphatic, given the large handicap delta. Tom is the first semi-finalist.
    Jeff T beat Kim 3 and 2 and moves to the quarters.

    Results from Team Comp 31st July 2024

     Winners: Dave Clark, Steve Mummery, Glen Rootman, Richard Grant, 95 points and £13 each

    Best Stableford: Iain Pritchard, 45 points, £8
    Iain has an amazing average of 39.8 and won £39.50 over his last 5 rounds since the mid year review. 

    Nearest Pin on 17th: Robin Bull, £6

    Hall of Fame entries for: Iain (45) and Dave Clark (44 points).